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Showing posts from September, 2023

Coconut 🥥 oil natural benefits? Natural cure for disease 🤒?

Coconut oil has been related with different likely regular advantages, including : Coconut 1. **Skin Care:** It very well may be utilized as a cream, cosmetics remover, and may assist with skin conditions like dermatitis and dry skin. 2. **Hair Care:** Coconut oil is in many cases utilized as a hair conditioner and may assist with decreasing harm and advance sparkle. 3. **Weight Management:** A few examinations recommend that the medium-chain fatty substances (MCTs) in coconut oil might support weight reduction by expanding digestion and decreasing craving. 4. **Oral Health:** Oil pulling with coconut oil is accepted to assist with working on oral cleanliness by diminishing microscopic organisms and plaque in the mouth. 5. **Heart Health:** While research is continuous, some propose that MCTs in coconut oil might emphatically affect heart wellbeing by raising HDL (great) cholesterol. 6. **Antioxidant Properties:** Coconut oil contains cell reinforcements that can assist with combatti

Five common sign of colon cancer?

Five normal indications of colon malignant growth include: 1. Changes in Gut Propensities: Persevering the runs, stoppage, or an adjustment of stool consistency that goes on for quite a long time. 2. Blood in Stool : Rectal draining or the presence of blood in your stool, which might be dazzling red or dim in variety. 3. Stomach Distress : Unexplained stomach torment, issues, or inconvenience, particularly in the event that it's persevering or declines. 4. Accidental Weight reduction : Critical and unexplained weight reduction, which can happen close by different side effects. 5. Exhaustion and Shortcoming : Progressing weariness, shortcoming, or a sensation of sleepiness, even after rest. It's vital to take note of that these side effects can likewise be brought about by other, less difficult circumstances, yet in the event that you experience any of these signs, particularly in the event that they endure or decline, counseling a medical services proficient for a legitimate

Islamic Dãte today اسلامی تاریخ

   آ ج پاکستان میں ربیع الاول کی 13 تاریخ ھے اور 1445 ھ ہہے آ ج عیسوی کیلنڈر ک 30 تاریخ ھے اور 2023ء ھے فیصل آباد کا موسم  آ ج فیصل آباد میں موسم صاف رہنے کا امکان ہے  فیصل آباد میں سورج ☀️ کا وقت 00: 6 سورج غروب آفتاب کا وقت 5 :54

Today Islamic Dãte اسلامی تاریخ

 آ ج پاکستان میں ربیع الاول کی 12 تاریخ ھے اور  1445   ھ  ہ ہے آ ج عیسوی کیلنڈر کی 29 تاریخ ھے اور 2023ء ھے فیصل آباد کا موسم  آ ج فیصل آباد میں موسم دھواں دھواں محسوس ہونے کے ساتھ دوپہر کے بعد بادلوں کے آ نے کا امکان ہے فیصل آباد میں سورج ☀️ کا وقت59  : 5 سورج غروب آفتاب کا وقت57: 5  

How to check hydrogen gas purity?

How to check hydrogen gas purity Method ( By Orsat apparatus ) Firstly remove all the air /H2 gas from the graduated cylinder by lifting up the water bottle. Then take H2 gas in a cylinder up to the 100 mark the level of 💦 water. Laying in lifting bottle 🍼. Now pass the H2 gas 3-4 times through the paragallou solution. Original level is mentioned. Then allow the gas come back to the cylinder and compare with water in the bottle is original. If difference in the level its means indicate impurities Then the crosspounding reading on graduated cylinder directly indicate the purity of gas.

Today Islamic Dãte اسلامی تاریخ

 آ ج پاکستان میں ربیع الاول کی 11 تاریخ ھے اور  1445   ھ ہ ہے آ ج عیسوی کیلنڈر کی 28 تاریخ ھے اور 2023ء ھے فیصل آباد کا موسم  آ ج فیصل آباد میں موسم دھواں دھواں محسوس ہونے کے ساتھ دوپہر کے بعد بادلوں کے آ نے کا امکان ہے فیصل آباد میں سورج ☀️ کا وقت59  : 5 سورج غروب آفتاب کا وقت57: 5

What is nickel catalyst complete overview?

  Nickel Impetus Clarification A nickel impetus is a kind of impetus that contains nickel as its dynamic part. Impetuses are substances that speed up compound responses without going through any long-lasting change themselves. Nickel impetuses are generally utilized in different modern cycles, like hydrogenation responses (where hydrogen is added to particles), polymerization responses, and in the development of synthetic substances like smelling salts and hydrogen gas. Nickel impetuses are picked for their capacity to elevate explicit responses because of the extraordinary properties of nickel molecules. For instance, they can work with the change of unsaturated mixtures to immersed intensifies in hydrogenation responses. Nickel impetuses are likewise financially savvy and have great strength in numerous substance processes, making them significant devices in the field of catalysis Surely! Nickel impetuses offer a few benefits in synergist processes: Hydrogenation Responses : Nickel i

Hydrogenation process in Ghee industry overview

Hydrogenation process in Ghee industry overview. Hydrogenation is a substance cycle utilized in the food business to transform fluid oils into strong fats. Here is a worked on outline of the cycle: Determination of Oils : First, fluid vegetable oils, for example, soybean or canola oil, are chosen as the beginning material. These oils are ordinarily unsaturated, meaning they have twofold securities in their unsaturated fat chains. Hydrogen Gas : The chose oil is then presented to hydrogen gas (H2) within the sight of an impetus, frequently nickel or palladium. This is commonly finished in a high-pressure reactor. Immersion of Twofold Bonds : The hydrogen gas atoms are added to the twofold bonds in the unsaturated fat chains of the oil. This cycle is called hydrogenation, and it soaks these bonds by adding hydrogen iotas. Hardening : As the unsaturated fats become soaked, the oil continuously changes into a more strong state. The level of hydrogenation can be controlled to accomplish the

How to check chloride in water boiler sample

  Chloride test for boiler water sample Method M Alkalinity ( methyl orange) plus potassium cromate use as a indicator and titrate it against silver nitrate 0.1N solution. Formula . Ml used × 35.5 C.c used × 0.1× 35.5× 1000000 -----------------------------------------------   = ppm           10× 1000

Sulphite test in boiler water.

  How to check Sulphite in boiler water 🌊 Method. | Take 50ml water sample . | Then add up phenophlene indicator attain pink colour. | Then add acidic media HCL\ H2So4 till colourless results attain. | Then add 1ml Starch solution as a indicator | Titrate it against ki kIo3 solution (0.02N) Results End point.             Light pink colour attain Formula C.c used × 0.02 C.C used × 25 = ppm sulphite 

How to check caustic Alkalinity of water sample.

How to check caustic Alkalinity for boiler water sample . Method \ Firstly 10ml water sample take. \ Then add 1.5ml {10%} barium caloride solution (bacl). \ Then shake it well \ Then add white PPTS (pyridinium p toluenesulfonate)  \ Then add phenophlene indicator \ Then Triturate it against 0.1N HCL solution Formula   ML used ×500.  = caustic Alkalinity ppm

M.E.A ( Monoethanol Amine)

How to prepare Monoethanol Amine (M.E.A) solution . Method . ✓ Take 1gm sample of M.E.A in a flask ✓ Then add 10-15ml distilled water in it. ✓ Then add 1-2 drop 💧 methyl orange indicator. ✓ It is titrated against 0.1N H2S04. End point __.            Raddish colour attain Formula 100×ml used ×Normality of H2S04 × Mole w.t of M.E.A _----_------------------------------------------------------------- Weight of sample × 1000 Ml used × 0.608-------%

What is fatty alcohols ethoxylate and uses

Greasy alcohols ethoxylate, otherwise called liquor ethoxylates or AE, are a class of non-ionic surfactants. They are delivered by ethoxylation, a synthetic cycle that includes adding ethylene oxide (EO) to greasy alcohols. The subsequent item is a compound with a hydrophilic (water-drawing in) and a lipophilic (oil-drawing) to some extent, making them helpful in different applications. Here are a few normal purposes: 1. **Cleaning Products:** Greasy liquor ethoxylates are in many cases found in family and modern cleaning items like cleansers, clothing cleansers, dishwashing fluids, and generally useful cleaners. They help to separate and eliminate soil, oil, and stains from surfaces. 2. **Emulsifiers:** They are utilized as emulsifiers in beauty care products and individual consideration items, including shampoos, conditioners, salves, and creams. They assist with mixing oil and water-based fixings, guaranteeing the security and consistency of these items. 3. **Textile Processing:** I

Today islamic Dãte اسلامی تاریخ

                                                                     آ ج پاکستان میں ربیع الاول کی 10 تاریخ ھے اور 1445ھ ھے آ ج عیسوی کیلنڈر کی 27  تاریخ ھے اور 2023ء  ھے اور د ن بدھ کا  ھے                                              فیصل آباد کا موسم   آ ج فیصل آباد میں موسم دھوپ نکلے کے ساتھ ساتھ صاف رہنے کا امکان  آ ج فیصل آباد میں سورج ☀️ کا وقت  5:58منٹ سورج غروب کا  وقت 5:58  

Mineral oil test

Mineral oil Test for crude sample in ghee industry Method ✓ Firstly 1gm sample of oil in titration flask ✓ Then add 60-70ml alcohol or distilled spirits ✓ Then add 1gm KOH ( potassium hydroxide) ✓ Then heat it for 15 mint in a heater ✓ Then add 25-30ml distilled water  ✓ Then shake it well Results Clear foaming and clear solutions indicate No M .O present Turbud solution means M.O present or positive 

POV ( peroxide value) test for Ghee / oil sample

  Peroxide value test for Ghee/oil sample Chemical use. Acetic acid 60% + chloroform 40% KI (potassium iodide) saturated solution Starch indicator Method | Firstly 5gm sample of oil / ghee in Titration flask |Then add 25 ml acetic acid+ chloroform solution |Then add 0.5ml saturated kI solution & shake well |Then put in a dark place for 1 mint or heat for below 20 c° |Then add 25 ml distilled water  |Then add 1 ml Starch solution  |Then titrated against 0.01N sodium thiosulfate solution Results Colourless reading attain Formula . V1-v2=x Pov mili e.q/ kg (x×2)

M Alkalinity Test ( methyl orange)

Methyl orange Alkalinity Test ( Total Alkalinity Test) Method. • p.alkalanity treated water take • Add 1-2 drop methyl orange colour (yellow colour) • Treat it with 0.1 N HCL solution  • End point ---------------Reddish colour attain Formula   Ml used p.alkalanity + m.alkalanity ×500

Islamic Dãte today اسلامی تاریخ

                                                                      آ ج پاکستان میں ربیع الاول کی 9 تاریخ ھے اور 1445ھ ھے آ ج عیسوی کیلنڈر کی 26  تاریخ ھے اور 2023ء ھے اور د ن منگل کا ھے فیصل آباد موسم  آ ج فیصل آباد میں موسم دھوپ نکلے کے ساتھ ساتھ صاف رہنے کا امکان ہے  آ ج فیصل آباد میں سورج ☀️ کا وقت  5:57منٹ سورج غروب کا  وقت 5:59 منٹ 

What is Retinol serum?

Retinol serum is a skincare item that contains retinol, a type of vitamin A. Retinol is notable for its expected advantages in skincare, for example, 1. **Reducing Barely recognizable differences and Wrinkles:** Retinol can animate collagen creation, which can assist with further developing skin versatility and diminish the presence of scarce differences and kinks. 2. **Fading Hyperpigmentation:** It can assist with blurring dull spots, age spots, and lopsided complexion by advancing skin cell turnover. 3. **Unclogging Pores:** Retinol can help forestall and clear stopped up pores, which can be gainful for people inclined to skin break out. 4. **Improving Skin Texture:** Ordinary utilization of retinol can prompt smoother, more brilliant skin. 5. **Promoting Skin Renewal:** Retinol supports the shedding of old, harmed skin cells and the development of new, better ones.

Ketchup packing automatically machine

Ketchup Pressing Machine Tasks.Ketchup pressing consequently machine how to function? A ketchup pressing machine commonly functions as follows: 1) Filling: The machine begins by getting vacant bundling materials, like sachets or containers, in a transport framework. 2) Planning: Ketchup is ready in an enormous compartment or tank, frequently furnished with a mixing system to guarantee consistency. 3) Filling: The ketchup is siphoned from the capacity tank into individual bundling holders. This should be possible utilizing a cylinder filler, rotating filler, or another filling component. 4) Fixing: Subsequent to filling, the bundling is fixed. For sachets, this could include heat fixing, while containers might utilize covers or screw tops. 5) Marking: A few machines can likewise name the bundling with item data, termination dates, and marking. 6) Quality Control: In the meantime, there are normally sensors and cameras that review the bundling for deserts, guaranteeing item quality. 7) B

Islamic date today اسلامی تاریخ

                  اسلام وعلیکم    آ ج پاکستان میں ربیع الاول کی 8 تاریخ ھے اور 1445ھ ھے  آ ج عیسوی کیلنڈر کی 25  تاریخ ھے اور 2023ء ھے اور د ن سوار کا ھے فیصل آباد موسم جزوی طور پر ابر آ لود۔اور صبح سویرے بادلوں کا طوفان  کی شکل میں آ نے کا امکان ھے  آ ج فیصل آباد میں سورج ☀️ کا وقت  5:57منٹ سورج غروب کا وقت 6:01 منٹ  

Islamic Dãte today اسلامی تاریخ

                 اسلام وعلیکم    آ ج پاکستان میں ربیع الاول کی 7 تاریخ ھے اور 1445ھ ھے  آ ج عیسوی کیلنڈر کی 24 تاریخ ھے اور 2023ء ھے اور دن اتوار کا ھے فیصل آباد موسم آ ج فیصل آباد کا موسم متواتر بادلوں کے ساتھ 6:00 تک 40٪ بارش کا امکان ہے اور 7:00 کے بعد سے پورا دن بادلوں میں رہنے کا امکان ہے  جزوی طور پر ابر آ لود۔اور گرج چمک کے ساتھ بارش کا امکان آ ج فیصل آباد میں سورج ☀️ کا وقت  5:56منٹ سورج غروب کا وقت 6:02 منٹ  

Boiler water analysis (hardness test)

  How to check hardness of boiler water sample. Method. ° Firstly take 50ml of water sample ° Then add 2.5ml buffer solution ° Then add 1-2 drop of indicator Erichrom black tea ° Blue raddish colour show ° Then Triturate it against .01m EDTA solution  ° End point light blue colour attain Formula  Hardness ppm                                 Ml used*20

How to extract coriander oils

To remove coriander oil, you can follow these means utilizing a steam refining strategy: **Materials you'll need:** 1. New coriander seeds 2. Refining contraption (counting a kettle, condenser, and assortment cup) 3. Water 4. Heat source, (for example, an oven or a warming mantle) 5. Separatory pipe 6. Isolating channel stand 7. Glass holders for putting away the oil **Procedure:** 1. **Prepare the coriander seeds:** Start by completely cleaning and drying the coriander seeds. You need to guarantee that they are liberated from any soil or impurities. 2. **Set up the refining apparatus:** Gather the refining mechanical assembly with the heater at the base, the condenser associated at the top, and the assortment carafe connected to the condenser's outlet. Ensure all associations are water/air proof. 3. **Add water:** Pour an adequate measure of water into the kettle, yet don't fill it to the edge. The water will be warmed to create steam, which will convey the coriander oil f

Eucalyptus Tree

Eucalyptus: Trees of Australia Eucalyptus Eucalyptus is a different class of blossoming trees and bushes local to Australia and close by islands. They are known for their fragrant leaves and are usually connected with the koala, which benefits from their leaves. Eucalyptus trees are likewise esteemed for their wood and are utilized in different enterprises, including development and paper creation. Also, eucalyptus oil, removed from the leaves, has various pragmatic applications, like in fragrant healing and as a fixing in different restorative and corrective item Surely! Eucalyptus trees have a few striking qualities: Sweet-smelling Leaves : Eucalyptus leaves contain unstable oils that radiate a particular, reviving fragrance. This fragrance is in many cases utilized in items like rejuvenating oils, candles, and deodorizers. Fire-Adjusted : Numerous eucalyptus species are adjusted to fire-inclined environments. They have thick, heat proof bark and can rapidly recover after fierce bla

Islamic date today اسلامی تاریخ

یہ کتاب یعنی قرآن مجید   اس میں کچھ شک نہیں اللّٰہ  کاکلام ھے پرہیز گاروں کے لیے رہنما  ھے (القرآن الکریم)   آ ج پاکستان میں ربیع الاوّل6  تاریخ ھے اور 1445ھ ھے  آ ج عیسوی کیلنڈر کی 23تاریخ ھے موسم فیصل آباد   آ ج فیصل آباد کا موسم تیز رفتار گرج چمک کے ساتھ بارش کا امکان ہے 

Citric acid test

How to check citric acid . Method . ✓ Take 1gm sample salt in a test tube & add 1ml conc HCl and heat it. Results If yellowvish colour attain mean citric acid present. If blackish colour attain it's mean tetric acid present.

Nickel Test for Ghee sample

How to check nickel in Ghee sample/ Nickel Test for Ghee sample . Method . • Firstly 25gm sample and 25gm Hcl concentrated add. • Then heat it till boiling. • Then put it in a separating funnel • Then HCL layer transfered in a china dish and heat it till dry. • Then add 10 ml NH3 ammonia solutions and 10-15ml distilled water • Then transferred into a test tube • Then add saturated solution 10ml Results White layer mean Nickel not present Radish layer mean Nickel present 

Vitamin test for Ghee cooking oil sample

Vitamin test for oil and ghee sample by antimony trichloride and chloroform solution. First of all solution preparation antimony trichloride and chloroform 20% solution preparation ✓add 20 gm antimony trichloride in 100 chloroform then 20% solution is ready for use. Method. 1) Firstly add oil/ Ghee sample in a test tube And then add 1-2 drop of solution (antimony trichloride and chloroform) Results. If show light brown colour its means vitamin present If no colour show / no indication means vitamin nagetive 

FFA test for oil/Ghee sample

Free fatty acid test for Ghee/ oil sample  .(F.F.A) Method. 1) 50ml distilled spirits add in conical flask. 2) Then add phenophlene indicator few drops. 3) Triturate against 0.1N N NAOH solution and light pick colour attain. 4) Then add 10ml sample of oil or Ghee in flask & then heated at 30 or 40 c° 5) Then titrate it against 0.1N NAOH solution  End point ^^^^^Radish brown colour attain . Formula.  %F.F.A = ml used*0.282 Ml used *normality of solution *mole w.t of ffa/weight of sample*1000

Islamic Dãte today & weather fsd اسلامی تاریخ

 آ ج پاکستان میں ربیع الاول  کی  05  تاریخ ھے اور 1445ھ ھے Today islamic date (chand ki tarikh 05ھ اور عیسوی کیلنڈر کی کی آ ج 22تاریخ اور 2023 ء ھے English calinder date today 22/09/2023 موسم فیصل آباد✓ آ ج فیصل آباد کا موسم متواتر بادلوں کے ساتھ ساتھ صاف رہنے کا امکان ہے 

Rancidity Test for oil / Ghee sample

Rancidity Test for oil/ Ghee sample  . Method. || 5ml oil/ ghee sample in cylinder   || Add 5ml conc HCl and shake it well   || Then add 5ml phloroglucinol solution  Results. If cylinder bottom colourless results its mean rancidity nil If cylinder bottom colour attain e.g light pink or other its mean rancidity present.

Soap test for oil/ Ghee sample

 Soap test oil/ Ghee sample . Method. __________50 ml distilled water in flask __________then heat it up to boiling  __________ then add phenophlene indicator                    1 to 2 drop. __________then add sample 50 ml & shake.                        well. If No colour attain then means soap test is negative If pink colour attain means soap is present Then further actions apply on process.

How to prepare 0.1 % Starch solution

Starch solution preparation                            (.1%) Method  * 1gm starch ............... 100 ml distilled water Then . 1gm starch and some amount of distilled water added and then heated to make past When past is ready then added the remained water & then heated for 10 mint . After heated cool down the solution  Then starch solutions is ready for use

Quantitative soap test for oil/ Ghee

 Quantitative soap test for oil/ghee. 1) 98 ml acetone plus 2 ml distilled water plus 0.5 ml chromofinol indicator  2) Then titrate against 0.1 n hcl Solution Yellowvish colour attain 3) 100gm sample of oil/Ghee & triturate against 0.1 n HCL solution  Formula . Ml used*0.1n*304400/ weight of sample Range soap ppm 50 to 60

Total Alkaly Test

 Total Alkaly Test soap sample. Method. 1) w.t 2 grm of soap sample. 2) Dissolved in 100ml distilled water in titration flask 3) Add methyl orange as a indicator  4) Then triturate against 0.1n HCL/ H2S04         End point # pink reddish colour Formula  Ml used*.0031*100/2

Sillicate test

 Sillicate test. Method . 1) 2gm sample sillicate dissolved in 50ml distilled water in 250ml flask . 2) Then add 2/3 drop indicator methyl orange 3) Then titrate in 1 N HCL solution  Formula . Ml used*3.1/weight of sillicate sol

Benefits of pumpkin

 Advantages of pumpkin Pumpkins offer a few advantages: Supplement rich: Pumpkins are low in calories and plentiful in nutrients like A, C, and E, as well as minerals prefer potassium. High in fiber: They are a decent wellspring of dietary fiber, supporting processing and advancing a sensation of totality. Cell reinforcements: Pumpkins contain cancer prevention agents like beta-carotene, which can help safeguard against constant illnesses. Eye wellbeing: The high vitamin A substance in pumpkins is useful for eye wellbeing and may decrease the gamble old enough related macular degeneration. Skin wellbeing: Nutrients and cell reinforcements in pumpkins add to sound skin and may assist with decreasing indications of maturing. Weight the executives: The fiber and low calorie content go with pumpkins a decent decision for those hoping to deal with their weight. Safe help: Nutrients and minerals in pumpkins support a solid resistant framework. Heart wellbeing: The potassium in pumpkins can a

Banapati Ghee History

 Banaspati Ghee History Banaspati ghee is a sort of hydrogenated vegetable oil normally utilized in cooking in South Asia. Its set of experiences traces all the way back to the mid twentieth century when it was first presented in Quite a while. The expression "Banaspati" is gotten from the Banas Waterway in Rajasthan, India. In 1937, the Banaspati business was laid out in India by an organization called Dalda. It included the hydrogenation of vegetable oils, which is a synthetic interaction that changes over fluid vegetable oils into strong or semi-strong fats at room temperature. This made the item reasonable for various culinary applications, including broiling and baking. Banaspati ghee acquired fame since it was a savvy option in contrast to customary ghee (explained margarine), which was more costly to deliver. It likewise had a more drawn out time span of usability, which made it more helpful for dissemination and capacity. Throughout the long term, Banaspati ghee turne